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February 01, 2018


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KT Fit Kitty

Thank you for a fun challenge! I love the inspiration graphic and the beautiful cards and projects created by your team! I especially love the kitties and bunnies! I am so excited about the new stamps I ordered!

P.S. I think there is a problem with your linky - it has closed due to maximum entries reached. I hope to join your challenge again when the linky is fixed.


Oh, linky closed?? Here's my project. Will pop back later. HUgz https://craftynomad.blogspot.no/2018/02/long-tall-corrin.html

Beverly Jordan

Your designers' cards are fabulous!! Love each one so much!

Kathy Schweinfurth

The linky isn't there - here's my card! http://stampsatplay.blogspot.com/2018/02/you-are-loved.html Thanks for the fun challenge!

Karthikha Uday

Kindly fix the linky.. I would like to add my project to the challenge..

Marsha D

Here is my card: http://grammasroom.blogspot.com/2018/02/successful-shaker-card.html

KT Fit Kitty

Hello again! I see others are linking up their cards here in the comments so I will as well. Here's one from February 2:


KT Fit Kitty

And here's a card I shared on February 4:


Thanks for the inspirational challenge! I love the graphic you used and your team's samples! Enjoy your day!

Janis in ID

Beautiful inspiration board and fabulous work by the team. Love all the different ways to go with this theme.
Thank you for another lovely challenge!!
<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com

KT Fit Kitty

Yay, your linky is fixed! Thank you! Please ignore, and feel free to delete, my two comments dated February 5, where I added two of my card links when the linky was broken. To avoid any confusion, I just linked up those two cards properly in your linky. Much appreciated!


Thank you for the challenge and lovely inspirations from the Design Team xx

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Hello Everyone! My name is Christy and my crafting partner is Amanda. We want to share our passion for crafting with you. We hope our designs bring a little joy to your life!
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