Welcome to Joy Clair Monthly Challenge!
Our themes are always anything goes and our Design Team use a photo inspiration to present their creations, that you can use too!
Now play with us is very simple, you only need to create a project using Anything Goes as theme, post your project on your personal blog or online gallery and link to us. You can use any brand of stamps!!!
- MUST directly link to the Joy Clair blog in your post. (Or entry will not count)
- Projects must be NEW, no back linking, please.
- Number of entries is unlimited.
- Add a direct link to your project using the InLinkz below.
For more details on how to create these projects, please head on over to designer blogs for that info.
You have until June 29, 2017 to create a new project and enter it into Inlinkz below.
By entering you will have a chance to win a $25 Gift Certificate to the Joy Clair Store.
One lucky winner will be announced on June 30!!!
Good Luck!
Thank you for the challenge and inspiration from the DT.
Posted by: Pam L | June 10, 2017 at 06:11 PM