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September 28, 2016


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So sweet, love the papers and coffee running down.

pam l

The teapot is cute pouring into the cup, and perfect background paper.

Lori Kobular

That teapot looks great on that paper!

Arianna Barbara

Oh wow! Absolutely stunning!!!

Denise Bryant

So cute! Love that teapot!

KT Fit Kitty

Oh my, this is gorgeous! I love the pop of blue with the teapot!

D.Ann C

What a pretty teapot! Going on my wishlist!


So sweet!

Beverly Jordan

I just love your teapot card!! So clever of you to create the pouring too! TFS! And thank you for being a super sponsor! Am already an avid follower!

Becca Yahrling

So cute! Love the sequins pouring out of the tea pot into the cup.

Teri W.

How fun is this card!

Bad Kitty (Fiki)

so nice!


Fabulous card, these sets are amazing. Thanks for a chance to win

Sue D

Very clever design and I like the colors.
I am a follower.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com

Teresa Godines

Love ow your tea pot is filling the cup. Great card


Tea pot and cups...what's not to LOVE!!

Karen B.

Beautiful mix of patterns and colors.

Lisa Bzibziak

Very pretty!

Tonya Graham



EXcellent...fun use of the patterned paper!

Helen F.

Fun card, awesome stamps!

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